Wednesday, July 8, 2009

~carzy trip (PD) part 2~

continue post here!!!
continue with the swimming pool part...

darren play gymnastic

two lovely
later on, we have BBQ at the beachside...

after the BBQ, all of us are damn tired...
cke, darren, pui sim, and prislyn play mahjong...

we are the mahjong king and queen!!!

here is the group photo...
quite funny also...
me give all of them bully...

darren de leg ar!!!

wai ching and pui sim: "come we kiss kiss"


after the group photo section... we continue our journey to melaka!!!!

sim and irene

darren and irene

si tao and si tao po
sim and me

wai ching and elaine

darren: "hi!! may i serve you??"

will be continue in part 3... lazy to upload... haha... >.<

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